Women in Small Businesses

In honor of Women’s Small Business Month, we would like to share this interview with Melissa Richards, a Syracuse University professor, Vice President of Public Relations and Marketing at Hamilton College, and owner of small business Honeybee Curated. Richards is a remarkable individual whose career path has taken her through the dynamic realms of public relations and marketing, which also led her to become a small business owner. Her extensive experience in both fields, as well as her journey towards entrepreneurship, has provided valuable insights into the world of communications and small business ownership.

Richards embarked on her career journey with a different goal in mind - she aspired to become a journalist. However, her path took a fascinating turn when she landed an internship as a PR intern at an energy company. This experience ignited her passion for PR and marketing, eventually leading her to embrace the diversity of these fields. Richards’ role and background in the communication industry allowed her to navigate various aspects of PR and marketing seamlessly.

In addition to her career in the PR world, Richards is a proud owner of a hobby farm called Eagle and Lion Farm. Here, she also engages in selling vintage home decor and antiques through her venture, @honeybeecurated. Her dual roles as a communications professional and small business owner showcase her ability to succeed in both corporate and creative endeavors.

When asked about the factors that have contributed to her success, Richards emphasizes her commitment to continuous learning. She's always open to trying new things and taking on additional responsibilities, which has allowed her to consistently expand her portfolio. Her willingness to embrace challenges and seek growth opportunities has been a driving force behind her accomplishments.

Richards candidly shares her experiences of facing setbacks, particularly in a male-dominated industry, which she encountered early in her career. She points out that her youth presented a challenge, as she was often perceived as less experienced compared to her male counterparts. Richards says, “When I was younger, I found working in technology public relations to be a male dominated industry and found it harder than my male peers to get promoted. I think I had two disadvantages, one was being young and one was being female, because men in particular can treat you like you're less experienced. As a female, I had to move around to move up, take jobs in other locations instead of being promoted from within.” 

Richards' career journey in the PR world and as a small business owner reflects her determination, adaptability, and commitment to growth. Richards’ story is an inspiration for aspiring professionals in the fields of PR, marketing, and entrepreneurship, showcasing the boundless opportunities that await those who are willing to learn, adapt, and persevere, and exemplifies the lesson and possibility of being both a creative small business owner and a formidable PR professional, even when confronted with industry biases and gender-related challenges. Her resilience and growth mindset demonstrate that embracing change and pursuing passions can lead to success. Richards' career journey inspires us to challenge norms, persevere, and believe in our abilities, emphasizing the transformative power of dedication and continuous self-improvement.


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