Veterans Day Highlight: Kuande Hall, From The Marines To The World of Marketing

Veterans Day is a time to honor those who have served in the military and to reflect on the changing landscape of the armed forces. As we move further into the digital age, technology plays an increasingly significant role in the military, including in the field of public relations. To discuss this, we interviewed Kuande Hall, a former Marine and a professor at the Defense Information School in Fort Meade, Maryland. Hall grew up in Raleigh, North Carolina, and felt he needed some focus and direction, which led him to enroll in the military. After serving for 14 years, Hall says he joined before 9/11, but once the crisis occurred, everything changed for him and so did his direction. After doing 6 years in the reserves, when the opportunity came, Hall went on active duty. Before Hall began his teaching career at Syracuse University, he received a Master's in Integrated Marketing Communications at Georgetown University and enrolled in the Military photojournalism program at Syracuse University. After receiving these degrees, Hall became a professor at the Defense Information School at Fort Meade, Maryland. Here, Hall has focused on social media strategies and digital engagement, often introducing an understanding of the newfound wave of artificial intelligence taking over the world.  

Despite AI's negative stigma, Hall believes it's an exceptional tool to stimulate ideas and broaden perspectives, especially in high-pressure military situations. AI, like ChatGPT, challenges viewpoints and offers valuable insights crucial in PR and public affairs. With AI's increasing presence in PR, concerns about job losses and privacy risks have heightened. Hall's perspective on AI's impact on military public relations is clear: "There's a current debate about regulating and understanding AI. The military's challenge is integrating AI into communications and strategies, which worries many. Despite this, AI is a great tool for generating ideas and prompting a human touch." Hall emphasizes the need for policies, security awareness, and harm prevention to address privacy concerns, requiring policy training and a deep understanding of AI, especially in the military.

Hall's insights shed light on the evolving landscape of AI in the military and the PR world in general, and the importance of embracing AI as a valuable tool for generating ideas, enhancing situational awareness, and countering disinformation. As we commemorate Veterans Day, let us recognize the valuable contributions of veterans like Kuande Hall, who continue to serve their nation, both in and out of the military.


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