Graphic titled “sustainability is a conscious choice we must make together” with city buildings and flowers circling an image of the world.

Firms around the globe are shifting their focus on sustainability from talk to action. Though many harmful environmental impacts are the responsibility of large businesses and corporations, the sheer number of small businesses that exist creates a large carbon footprint. Small businesses and individuals may feel powerless against the carbon footprint of large companies and corporations, but there are real differences that small businesses can make when working collaboratively to solve the issues we all face.

Below are some strategies to help contribute to a more sustainable future:

Offer practical work options: Working remotely or adopting a hybrid structure has several potential benefits for sustainability. It virtually eliminates the need for commuting to and from an office building. Commuting can be a significant source of greenhouse gas, and reducing the number of cars on the road can reduce air pollution. 

Digitize documents: Printing and using paper creates a lot of waste in the workplace, and uses many natural resources such as water and paper. By moving your workload online, you would be saving paper by eliminating the need to print and mail documents. Digitizing your workload can also help streamline processes and increase efficiency. 

Elevate the companies/brands making a difference: As a PR firm, it is important to elevate brands and companies that practice sustainability in their everyday operations and organizational objectives. Associating with sustainable brands helps uplift companies and brands working to minimize their harmful environmental impact. PR firms can create and share content highlighting the brand's sustainability achievements. This can include press releases, blog posts, and social media content showcasing the brand's sustainability commitment.


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