Best Practices for Integrated Campaigns

Top 5 Best Practices for Integrated Campaigns

As a full service public relations firm, LáLew is familiar with many different techniques for promotion, outreach and more, all in the interest of providing the best service to clients. One way to do this is by spearheading integrated campaigns for our clients initiatives. A BrightEdge article defines an integrated campaign as being a “cross-channel marketing strategy that involves creating consistent campaigns across different platforms to provide a cohesive experience to the customer.” 

Drawing from our experience, the team at LáLew has composed a list of the top 5 elements necessary for managing a successful integrated campaign. 

1. Clear understanding of scope and boundaries

Understanding and maintaining proper boundaries within your contract is essential for any successful working relationship. As the manager of an integrated campaign, it is in your best interest to have clear expectations and responsibilities in terms of budget, deliverables and deadlines. 

2. Strong project management

Skills such as time management, leadership, problem solving and more are necessary for project management. To properly lead an integrated campaign, you should have a strong understanding of the interconnectedness of all aspects of the project, as well as clear approval/review processes with the client. 

3. Transparency across parties

For the most efficient teamwork, it is important to have transparency among all parties involved in an integrated campaign. By ensuring open communication, all members will be informed and the opportunities for clarification will be presented when necessary. When working across platforms, staying connected and transparent with one another is essential. 

4. Remain the expert

Having confidence and being well-informed are key pillars of being the leader of a project. When conducting an integrated campaign, as the expert it is important to set realistic expectations, provide feedback on what’s feasible and guide all parties toward the desired result. 

5. Weekly reports

Establishing a consistent stream of communication between all parties is a strong way to ensure that everyone is on the same page. When conducting integrated campaigns or any kind of project, setting up some form of weekly updates is a management technique that promotes both success and clarity. 

Whichever end of an integrated campaign you are on, client or manager, these insights may come in handy when considering expectations and best practices. Happy campaigning!


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